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As a sculptor, my specialism is in capturing the spirit and character, as well as physical likeness, of my subject to create a unique work of art in bronze.


Sitting for a portrait sculpture allows you to become immersed in a very special experience and to be intimately involved in the creation of your own portrait. However, when sittings are not possible or practicable, such as for posthumous portraits or for small children, I can adapt to circumstances by taking sketches, measurements and capturing physical detail and character from photographs.


Commissioning a portrait sculpture is an easy and enjoyable experience resulting in an artwork that will bring a lifetime of pleasure. Also, it makes a wonderful gift and a very personal legacy to leave your loved ones.


I offer a complete and bespoke service. The moulding and casting of your portrait in hot-poured foundry bronze is completed in your choice of patina (the coloured finish). Extra castings of your portrait can be ordered, cost-effectively, as the modelling and mould-making will already have been completed.


The timescale from initial discussions through to the presentation of your finished work of art is normally six months, including two to six sittings, depending on availability of the sitter.




Head only or head and shoulders portrait bust. Both are normally life-sized. Depending on size and complexity, prices start from £4,500 for a portrait head and £6,500 for a portrait bust. Any travel and overnight expenses necessary will always be agreed in advance.




25% initially on commissioning agreement. This is non-refundable.

45% on completion of the original model to your complete satisfaction.

30% remainder when the portrait is completed and ready for despatch.


Please feel free to contact me to discuss and ask any questions on 07903 898804 or email me via the Contact page.




"What Caro has done is she's caught a moment in time in my life and the life of the people around me, and that's never going to change."


"You know, someone might dig the head up in 3000 years' time and remark upon it, that's an extraordinary thing."


"It was fascinating to watch the work taking shape and to see the different techniques being used."


"Having seen some of Caro Burberry's portrait sculptures, memorably Elvis, I decided that I would like a bronze one of myself. Caro uses a technique of building up the surface which leaves a unique texture. I chose a greenish patina which gave it a kind of natural world look. The finished portrait is a remarkable resemblance and has become a treasured possession which I keep in my kitchen in constant daily view. The added benefit of a portrait is that it doesn't age!


It was very pleasant to sit for Caro while she worked on the portrait. Whilst being professional and quietly concentrating on her work, the atmosphere was convivial and the breaks allowed me to watch the interesting process of the creation of a familiar human form. I would definitely recommend it."




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+44 (0) 7903 898804

© Caro Burberry 2018

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